This is how I let go of miss for you
I know you are my strong daughter
Your smile is stored in my heart
Your face tells umi and abi that you are strong
And you try to give us peace
Umi doesn't have the slightest complaint, even if there's one, I just wants to cry to Allah
As for the writings and notes, this is a way of healing for my self
And pour out my longing to you
do you know
Umi and abi try to be strong and patient. Reinforce each other.
You are our little angel
Your brother Ashraf also misses you, he even cries in his dreams to meet you, get well soon Alesha
We miss you and love you
The look in your eyes at abi at that time, gave news to umi
A lot of meaning in your gaze, I feel it
You said, abi umi don't be sad, Alesha is strong
I always pray all the time, even though I can't kneel down in front of Him yet
But this heart and tongue don't stop praying for you and asking Him
I love you my daughter, this is how I let go of longing to you
Insya Allah you will recover soon
Because you are a strong woman.
Alesha Sufiyya Haris
Anak perempuan Hari Iswahyudi yang taat dan selalu dilindungi Allah
Namamu memiliki arti dan makna
Perempuan yang mandiri, berjiwa pemimpin, pekerja keras, berwibawa, wanita bangsawan.
Beginilah cara umi mengungkapkan rasa rindu padamu
Allah selalu melindungi dan menjagamu
22.15, 11 Mar'22, Wonogiri